Country Stats

  • Total population: 5,345,109
  • Percentage of population that has never attended school: 33% of females and 13% of males
  • Percentage living on less than $1.25 a day: 83% of Liberians
  • Percentage of households relying on unprotected water sources: 23% of Liberian households

Concern's Impact

  • WASH committees established: 68 committees
  • Village Savings and Loans Associations established: 75 in 2017 and 2018
  • Mother Groups program: 2,275 mothers received nutrition training in 2021

In Liberia we’re working to improve economic and food security, provide safe drinking water, build resiliency to disasters and crises, and increase the quality of education.

14 years of devastating civil war in Liberia ended in 2003, leaving infrastructure destroyed and the economy shattered. The country was only starting to recover when it was hit by Ebola in 2014. Concern has been there since 1996, alternating between development work and emergency response

I'm very proud of what I've done. Other mums in the village voted me in as chairwoman of the Mothers' Group. They respect me because of my attitude towards them and are willing to accept my advice. The group is a good support for woman in the community.

Cecelia Morris, Chairwoman of Concern-Sponsored Mothers' Group, Rivercess

Some 35.5% of children under the age of five in Liberia are stunted. An estimated 33% of females and 13% of males have never attended any school; and only 58.5% of people have access to protected wells.

In total, 23% of rural households rely on unprotected water sources; malaria is a major killer of young children and both gender inequality and gender-based violence (GBV) are widespread.

Latest Achievements

Maternal & Child Health

We provided nutrition training to 2,275 mothers in the last year across 91 Mother Groups, and we provided support for the establishment of kitchen gardens.

Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs)

We established 75 Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs) in Liberia in 2017 and 2018, reaching about 1,875 people, supporting these groups with saving kits and training.


Last year in Liberia, a total of 68 WASH committees were established and trained in sustainable management and use of water resources.

John Karyou catches rainwater during the rainy season in Liberia.Cecelia Morris (40) is Chairwoman of the Mothers’ Group in Wrobone Town, and a money counter for the local Savings and Loan Association (CSLA).
A well being dug in Liberia.Janjay T. Dennis
Forkpa Blamah, District Program Supervisor for Concern, with members of a Farmer Field School.Newborn baby boy.

Our Work in Liberia

Post-civil war, post-Ebola epidemic, our work in Liberia now focuses on supporting communities as they take control of their own lives.